Development Diary – Project ONE #2

Today I’m going to once again talk about building the systems in Project ONE, a side scrolling shooter game in development under the direction of Benjamin Tovar. This time, I was going to get into the gritty details of spawning of making bad guys for our faux-moving environment, but after some consideration I think that section will be more fun if we can actually blow them up, and to do that we need a player.

So, we shall begin there, but there is one more important thing we have to do first… Continue reading

Development Diary – Project ONE #1

Hello! So I’ve decided to kick off a new series of blog posts wherein I detail some of the specific challenges and solutions in my various projects. The goal here is to provide a resource for my fellow students, as well as provide a record of things I have already done that I can call upon later. For the sake of sanity, I am usually going to assume the reader knows some basic fundamentals of programming and game design.

Today I’m going to talk about building the systems in Project ONE, a side scrolling shooter game in development under the direction of Benjamin Tovar.

Continue reading